Wednesday, June 17, 2009

An Evening With Good Friends

A Jeana braid! I wish she could braid my hair every day..

Last night Jeana, Alex and HBT came over for BBQ and Bachelorette. Milo was very excited.

And dinner was delish.

Spaghetti Squash tossed with sauteed garlic, tomatoes, and olive oil. Eggplant, summer squash, zuccini, asparagus, and mushrooms from the grill. Easy but so good.

All images courtesy of Jeana


Heather Taylor said...

such fun....

jeana sohn said...

loved it! i want to make the Spaghetti Squash. it was sooooo good. thanks for cooking vegetarian dish for me!

Anonymous said...

i have a friend who braids my hair too! i cant do it!and milo gets cute every day!

Unknown said...

forget the braids and the squash, that puppy is beyond...... oh, my.

hello gorgeous said...


My grandma used to braid my hair like that before I would go swimming.